With wide spread debate over the new Instagram update and it’s similarities to the social media platform Snapchat, the question we are asking is how will this benefit our clients and other businesses?
What is the new Instagram update?
The new Instagram update is (very..) similar to the social networking app Snapchat. The general concept is that users can post photos or videos up to 10 seconds long each, which delete after 24 hours. The collection of pictures and videos combine into one ‘story’ that appears at the top of users homepage feed.
Are the days of agonising over creating high quality content over?
The short answer is no……in fact it opens a whole new set of problems of trying to be interesting and engaging on a regular basis. Snapchat and Instagram share a similar purpose, allowing people to share photos and videos. As the lines are becoming more blurred between them with the new Instagram update, will this have a negative or positive effect? The instant revolution is here and it calls for a drastic change to social media business strategies.
What are the benefits to businesses?
1. Access to a larger audience
60% of Snapchat users are aged 13 to 24 years old. The younger demographic of Snapchat users meant it was only limited to brands that targeted this age group. Having this feature within Instagram will allow brands access to a much wider audience of people who can now engage with rich and instant content who couldn’t before.
2. Create more ‘casual’ posts
By using the new Instagram update you can combine the well thought through posts for your page, with the more personal, rich and insightful posts into the personality of your business that people will find valuable. This allows you to show a more regular day-to-day account of your brand and your people, without worrying about over-posting and knowing it will only last 24 hours.
3. More traffic to your page
With stories being permanently at the top of Instagram feeds, this will help override the new Instagram algorithm that has changed users feed into non-chronological order. It is considerably easier for people to view your story posts and therefore click through to your page if they like what they see. This means that keeping your story updated throughout the day will place you directly in front of your followers…….so make sure you have regular engaging content going out through your story as you could be engaging a huge audience!
If you have any questions or would like to know more about planning an Instagram campaign, don’t hesitate to email me on camilla@hoopla-marketing.com. Alternatively, tweet the team @Hoopla_UK.